Spring Hill 8th graders participate in job shadowing out in the community!
almost 2 years ago, Spring Hill School District
Job shadowing
Job shadowing
Job shadowing
Job shadowing
Job shadowing
Job shadowing
Job shadowing
Job shadowing
Job shadowing
Job shadowing
Hope School has opened their FFA Rodeo up to Hempstead County residents. If you would like to participate please stop by the High School or Elementary Offices for a participation form.
almost 2 years ago, Spring Hill School District
Hope FFA Rodeo
Attention Parents/Guardians: Early Release on Friday, March 17 @ 1:30 pm! For elementary students: 1:10 pm - K-2 car riders 1:20 pm - 3-6 car riders 1:25 pm - bus riders 1:30 pm - walkers
almost 2 years ago, Spring Hill School District
Come on out and support your Bears!
about 2 years ago, Spring Hill School District
Baseball Mar 14
Come on out and support your Lady Bears!
about 2 years ago, Spring Hill School District
Softball Mar 14
The regular monthly Board meeting will meet March 13, 2023 at 6:00 p.m. in the Elementary Conference Room.
about 2 years ago, Spring Hill School District
board meeting
BOOK FAIR! - March 13-17 at the High School Library Don't forget to set up your student's eWallet account for cashless, stress-less shopping. Friends and family can even contribute funds! Set one up now here: https://www.scholastic.com/bf/springhillhighschool6
about 2 years ago, Spring Hill School District
eWallet for Book Fair
Spring Hill FFA Rodeo March 10th and March 11th at 7:00 P.M. All pre-entered contestants will compete on both nights in all events Coggins papers are required on all horses All trailers should enter the south gate by the swine barn Mutton Bustin will be held each night. Entries are open to 1st grade and under Sign-up will start at 6:30 each night at the front gate and is limited to the first 30 entries Mutton Bustin entry fee is $5.00 For info call 870-722-7424
about 2 years ago, Spring Hill School District
With ACT and ACT Aspire testing coming up soon, Mrs. Stegall will be offering some Math reviews after school. Since Juniors take the ACT on Tuesday, March 28th, she will offer ACT Math reviews next week, Monday - Thursday, March 13th - 16th, and also on Monday, March 27th. Each day will meet from 3:30-4:30pm. Anyone interested in taking the next regular ACT, that date is Saturday, April 15th, and the deadline for regular registration is this Friday, March 10th. Mrs. Stegall will also offer ACT Math reviews on Monday - Thursday, April 10th - 13th. This is also the week before ACT Aspire testing. These Math reviews are open to all students in grades 9-12. Please sign up outside Mrs. Stegall’s door, so that she has some idea of how many students to expect.
about 2 years ago, Spring Hill School District
ACT Math Review
The SR high track meet is canceled today.
about 2 years ago, Spring Hill School District
The Journalism Class has a new issue of the paper out. You can click the link to read more. https://issuu.com/shsbearnews/docs/issue_13
about 2 years ago, Spring Hill School District
Talk of the Hill Issue 13
Attention Parents: Popcorn orders are in! The items will go home with car riders but parents of bus riders and walkers will need to come to the school during school hours to pick up their orders.
about 2 years ago, Spring Hill School District
A few employees from the South Ark Electric LLC visited with our students at Spring Hill High school to discuss options for a career as an electrician. They discussed their Apprenticeship Program that creates a pathway to gain credentials needed to test for a journeyman electrician license while learning real world experience of the electrical trade and making a real wage. Thank you South Ark! It was a great opportunity for our students! South Ark Electric LLC is an industrial electrical contractor business in Hope, AR.
about 2 years ago, Spring Hill School District
South Ark Electric LLC
BOOK FAIR! - March 13-17 at the High School Library
about 2 years ago, Spring Hill School District
Book Fair
Spring Picture Day - Friday March 10 Pre-pay link: https://pattersonsphotoschooldivision.onlinephotocart.com/prepay/36978496
about 2 years ago, Spring Hill School District
Spring Picture Day
Today's softball game start time has been moved up to 4:00 with impending weather.
about 2 years ago, Spring Hill School District
Spring Hill FFA Rodeo March 10th and March 11th at 7:00 P.M. Entries must be notarized and are due on March 6th Entry forms are in the High School Office Late entries will not be accepted Coggins papers are required on all horses All trailers should enter the south gate by the swine barn Mutton Bustin will be held each night. Entries are open to 1st grade and under Sign-up will start at 6:30 each night at the front gate and is limited to the first 30 entries Mutton Bustin entry fee is $5.00 For info call 870-722-7424
about 2 years ago, Spring Hill School District
Lifeshare will be on campus Tuesday 3/7/23. Any 16 years of age and over who would like to sign up please see Mr. Lewallen. Every unit collected goes towards a scholarship for a deserving senior this year.
about 2 years ago, Spring Hill School District
Pay It Forward
Softball season kicks off tonight at 4:30pm. Come on out and support our Lady Bears!
about 2 years ago, Spring Hill School District
Baseball season kicks off tonight at 4:30pm. Come on out and support our Bears!
about 2 years ago, Spring Hill School District