School Choice


For families who do not live within the Spring Hill School District but wish to attend our schools, the Arkansas School Choice Act is an option. The Arkansas School Choice program enables a student in kindergarten through grade 12 to attend a school in a nonresident district. School Choice applications are accepted every year between January 1 and May 1.

The Public School Choice Act of 2015
Ark. Code Ann. § 6-18-1903
A public school choice program is established to enable a student in kindergarten through grade twelve (12) to attend a school in a nonresident district, subject to the limitations under Ark. Code Ann. § 6-18-1906 and the Arkansas Department of Education (ADE) Rules Governing The Public School Choice Act of 2015.

§ 6-18-1902

  • “Resident District” means the school district in which the student resides as determined by § 6-18-202.

    • “Resides” means to be physically present and to maintain a permanent place of abode for an average of no less than four (4) calendar days and nights per week for a primary purpose other than school attendance.

  • “Nonresident district” means a school district other than a student’s resident district.


To apply for a school choice transfer under the Public School Choice Act of 2015 or the Opportunity School Choice Act, please use this School Choice Form and FAQ. To access the form in Spanish, please go to Solicitud De Eleccion De Escuela. To access the FAQ in Spanish please go to Preguntas Frecuentes. For more information, please consult the Division of Elementary and Secondary Education Rules Governing Public School Choice.